Obama-Biden administration
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negative actions
- continued and escalated Bush's policy of elevating presidential power
- refused to prosecute Bush administration officials who authorized torture (as required by UN Convention Against Torture, to which the US is a signatory)
- supported the most broad interpretation of the State Secrets Privilege in every legal challenge to the executive branch
- attacks on the free press
- 2013-05-13
- 2013-05-15 Chris Hedges: Monitoring of AP Phones a "Terrifying" Step in State Assault on Press Freedom
- 2013-05-22 No Oversight in Seizure of AP Phone Records "I had asked in the immediate aftermath whether the DOJ had gotten a judicial subpoena or merely used an administrative one; the answer is the latter, which means no oversight at all from a judge. And Verizon turned those records over immediately..."
- 2013-10-11 New Report Finds Obama's Policies Threaten an Independent Press
- promised increased transparency, but has generally worked against it
- 2009-03-12 Obama Administration Declares Proposed IP Treaty a National Security Secret
- 2011-04-28 Obama Administration punishes reporter for using multimedia
- 2012-07-31 The Most Transparent Administration in History Strikes Again "A court has allowed them to continue to pretend that documents that were already made public are still so secret that they are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act."
- 2012-11-14 Obama: Transparently Disappointing
- 2013-05-13 Most Transparent Administration in History Releases Completely Redacted Document About Text Snooping
- promised to protect whistleblowers, but instead has vigorously prosecuted them while letting perpetrators go free
- 2012-09-05 Obama DOJ: No Justice for Torture Victims
- 2012-09-06 Only Whistleblowers Held Accountable for Torture
- 2013-01-22 Obama Continues Anti-Whistleblower Crusade
- persecution of Manning, now in solitary confinement
- persecution of Julian Assange
- refuses to prosecute torturers (also see above links)
- 2012-09-04 Obama's Defense Of The Torture Murderers
- fought for executive authority to detain indefinitely
- 2012-09-11 Judge Smacks Down Obama on Gitmo Access "...A Reagan-appointed judge ... has issued a ruling ... hammering the Obama DOJ for seeking to deny attorneys representing Gitmo detainees access to their clients."
- 2012-09-19 Obama Fights for Executive Authority to Detain Indefinitely
- cracked down on medical marijuana providers, even those in full compliance with state law
- continued or expanded Bush's policies in the war on terror, including torture and warrantless domestic spying
- 2012-04-20 Obama Betrays Promises on Drugs. Again.
- 2012-04-24 Bush, Obama and the National Surveillance State
- 2012-04-27 Obama's Astonishing Chutzpah "President Obama, who has maintained and even expanded the federal government's illegal surveillance program and steadfastly refused to hold anyone accountable for torture, actually issued an executive order allowing the U.S. to sanction "foreign nationals" who do the same thing he is guilty of doing..."
- 2012-05-07 Former Gitmo Prosecutor Hammers Obama, Holder
- continues to promote abstinence-based education
- has ordered the killing of American citizens without due process
- generally has a very bad record on upholding civil liberties (in some ways, worse than Bush), despite his background as a constitutional scholar and his pledge to uphold the rule of law
- 2012-04-26 Obama's Terrible Record on Civil Liberties
The following are attempts by various anti-Obama factions (mainly the Republicans) to drum up scandals and draw attention away from the various genuine abuses listed above. At their most serious, they represent possible incompetence at some level of the administration.
- 2013:
- IRS targeting Tea Party groups (who generally are anti-IRS) for investigation
- 2012:
- 2008-?:
- 2025/01/30 21:36 UTC [L..T] [US:EO] Immediate Assessment of Aviation Safety «This shocking event follows problematic and likely illegal decisions during the Obama and Biden Administrations that minimized merit and competence in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The Obama Administration implemented a biographical questionnaire at the FAA to shift the hiring focus away from objective aptitude. During my first term, my Administration raised standards to achieve the highest standards of safety and excellence. But the Biden Administration egregiously rejected merit-based hiring, requiring all executive departments and agencies to implement dangerous "diversity equity and inclusion tactics, and specifically recruiting individuals with "severe intellectual" disabilities in the FAA.» Parts of this are clearly lies, while others are just misleading. It would seem to be a follow-up to comments apparently made to reporters after the crash.
- 2014/11/21 [L..T] House panel finds no intelligence failure in Benghazi attacks "An investigation by the Republican-led House Intelligence Committee has concluded that the CIA and U.S. military responded appropriately to the attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012, dismissing allegations that the Obama administration blocked rescue attempts during the assault or sought to mislead the public afterward."
- 2014/05/26 [L..T] I.R.S. Bars Employers From Dumping Workers Into Health Exchanges «Many employers had thought they could shift health costs to the government by sending their employees to a health insurance exchange with a tax-free contribution of cash to help pay premiums, but the Obama administration has squelched the idea in a new ruling. Such arrangements do not satisfy the health care law, the administration said, and employers may be subject to a tax penalty of $100 a day – or $36,500 a year – for each employee who goes into the individual marketplace.»
- 2014/05/25 [L..T] Obama Administration Will Let Veterans Seek Care At Private Hospitals "The Obama administration's decision to allow more veterans to get care at private hospitals could take some pressure off backlogged Veterans Affairs facilities struggling to cope with new patients from the wars on terrorism as well as old soldiers from prior conflicts."
- 2014/04/16 [L..T] Obama's equal-pay myth is one thing. The GOP's chauvinism is a problem "Go ahead, turn the White House's 77-cents quote into the new 47% video. But don't preach until you know where wage-gap vigilantism gets us"
- 2014/04/01 [L..T] Syria Not Guilty: New Evidence from the Ghouta Sarin Gas Attack "New evidence shows that the Syrian government was not responsible for the August 21, 2013 sarin gas attack in Ghouta on its own people."
- 2014/03/09 [L..T] White House pushes back on Ukraine criticism
- 2014/03/09 [L..T] Bush's Defense Secretary Destroys GOP Talking Points Against Obama's Handling Of Crimea Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates pushed back on Sunday against conservatives who've blamed President Obama's "weak" foreign policy for Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to invade Crimea.
- 2014/03/02 [L..T] Obama pushes Israel to stop assassinations of Iran nuclear scientists President Barack Obama is pressuring Israel to stop carrying out assassinations of top nuclear scientists in Iran as the Islamic Republic continues its negotiations with world powers over its uranium enrichment program, according to a new book.
- 2014/03/01 [L..T] Situation in Ukraine
- 2014/03/01 [L..T] Ukraine alleges Russian "invasion" of Crimea as Obama warns of "costs" US President Barack Obama issued a statement Friday evening denouncing "reports of military movements" taken by Russia in Ukraine, warning that "there will be costs for any military intervention." The comments come as the US/European-stoked regime change operation in Ukraine threatens to develop into a conflict between Western powers and Russia.
- 2013/03/24 [L..T] Debunking Almost Every Republican Lie Against President Obama
- whitehouse.gov official archive
- Politifact
- 2013-06-27 Obama Fact Sheet:: Since Becoming President, Barack Obama Has... It's All Here!
to file
- 2012-09-13 Obama's Unconstitutional NDAA 'Detained Indefinitely' by Court Ruling
- 2013-03-24 Debunking Almost Every Republican Lie Against President Obama
- 2013-05-28 Obama's Pretty Words "If he had actually given a damn about the rule of law, he would have prosecuted Bush administration officials that authorized torture. Doing so is required by the UN Convention Against Torture, which is the law of the land in this country. If he gave a damn about the rule of law, he would have stopped using the broad version of the State Secrets Privilege in every single legal challenge to the executive branch. He hasn't just failed to support the rule of law, he has intentionally and flagrantly destroyed any possibility of its application."
- 2013-08-23 The Manning Verdict and the Rule of Law "...the executive branch under both Bush and Obama has become, for all practical purposes, lawless. It has succeeded in subverting the Bill of Rights, the rule of law, the separation of powers, our treaty obligations and the rights of all of us. More importantly, it has succeeded in making itself immune to all legal challenge. We may exchange presidents every few years, but the branch they lead is now, for all practical purposes, an institution without boundaries on what it may do to us."