2020/09/19/donors inundate ActBlue
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- when: 2020/09/19
- author: Meteor Blades
- source: Daily Kos
- topics: Ruth Bader Ginsburg/replacement
- keywords
- link: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2020/9/19/1978795/-Showing-they-want-Democrats-to-fight-GOP-efforts-to-replace-Ginsburg-donors-inundate-ActBlue
- title: Showing they want Democrats to fight GOP efforts to replace Ginsburg, donors inundate ActBlue
- summary: “As the political reality of Ginsburg’s passing sank in, the ticker that keeps track of donations soared on ActBlue, the non-profit operation that provides a tool for left-leaning activists to raise money for political candidates and issues. About $100,000 in donations came each minute.”