Campaign finance reform
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- Wikipedia
- Conservapedia "As with many government regulations, rather than solve the problem campaign finance regulation has just conferred an advantage to those willing and able to exploit the rules."
dKosopedia: no information as of 2014-06-01- SourceWatch
- 2014/05/23 [L..T] Harvard professor's 'super PAC' aims to end power of 'super PACs' "Is it possible to create a "super PAC" that would end the power of super PACs by drawing enough Americans into the system to limit the influence of big money in politics? And is it possible to get voters excited about a subject as dry as campaign finance? [..] Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig is leading a crusade to answer both those questions with a yes."
- 2014/04/22 [L..T] You could soon use bitcoin to support political campaigns "The Federal Election Commission will consider a request this Wednesday that could open the floodgates for donors to make political contributions in Bitcoin in the upcoming mid-term elections."