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As of 2013, there were approximately 22 vacant homes for every homeless person.
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  • 2025/02/13 05:00 UTC [L..T] Seattle voters embrace excess compensation tax to build social housing, reject Chamber-conceived alternative «A grassroots initiative that would create a new source of progressive revenue to build publicly-owned social housing in Seattle appears to be on its way to a decisive victory tonight despite an onslaught of corporate cash in opposition, suggesting that voters in the Emerald City are eager to try a new approach to tackling our housing crisis.» [...] «The Seattle Times and the region’s largest corporations campaigned emphatically for the alternative conceived by the Chamber. Amazon, Microsoft, T‑Mobile, and Russell Investments underwrote the 1B campaign with large checks. Mailers sent out by the campaign for 1B carried the endorsement of Mayor Bruce Harrell.»
  • 2022/02/02 [L..T] What happened after these unhoused people got monthly $500 checks? Two-thirds have homes «The group predicted that the money would help reduce stress and improve food security, and it did. But two-thirds of the people who were unhoused when the pilot began also now have permanent housing. (The number has grown since the program first ended, when only a third had moved into new housing.)» This was quite unexpected.
  • 2019/11/14 [L..T] Multnomah County Seeing Spike In People Experiencing Chronic Homelessness “[Marc Jolin, the director of the Joint Office of Homeless Services], said the office already knows what the solution is. "The fact that we don’t have supporting housing is why we’re seeing a persistent increase in the chronically homeless over time," he said.”
  • 2019/10/29 [L..T] [Serious Discussion] Attracting a higher homeless population with Durham's Affordable Housing Plan? “With a proposed $10,455,838 (pg. 4 in the referendum) to be spent on homeless programs over the next 5 years, how do we protect Durham from attracting an even greater number of homeless people?”
  • 2018/06/22 [L..T] Woman who set self on fire in Portland park remembered as 'brilliant and tortured' artist “The 31-year-old woman walked on crutches into a downtown Portland park. Minutes later, she set herself on fire. Bystanders put out the fire that consumed Chloe Sagal, but she died from her injuries. It was an act, witnesses and friends say, that was a political protest as well as a suicide.”
  • 2015/02/24 [L..T] A letter from the property owner "As a queer radical disabled trans* person who has a history of housing insecurity, it is incredibly important to me that every person coming into contact with Trans* Housing Atlanta Program is treated with utmost respect; especially in regards to consent and accountability practices, autonomy and freedom from coercion, and having their privacy maintained and respected. Recently I have discovered that Trans* Housing Atlanta Program has unequivocally failed our clients around these issues and overall in our mission to provide safe housing and supportive services to the transgender and gender non-conforming community of Georgia. I am sorry."
  • 2014/05/27 [L..T] Leaving Homeless Person On The Streets: $31,065. Giving Them Housing: $10,051. "There is a far cheaper option though: giving homeless people housing and supportive services. The study found that it would cost taxpayers just $10,051 per homeless person to give them a permanent place to live and services like job training and health care. That figure is 68 percent less than the public currently spends by allowing homeless people to remain on the streets. If central Florida took the permanent supportive housing approach, it could save $350 million over the next decade."
  • 2011/01/19 [L..T] Fuller Memorial Presbyterian / Durham Rescue Mission “Plans submitted to the City / County Planning department with the rezoning demonstrated several worrisome elements to neighbors. The scale had grown considerably from the single multipurpose building discussed in previous years; it now stretched over portions of five city blocks, involved the demolition of 9 houses in historic district, and contemplated the closing of two streets, creating a fenced/gated facility stretching over three blocks.”