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The Madness of King Donald 2017/02/10 00:00
- URL: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2017/02/andrew-sullivan-the-madness-of-king-donald.html
- Posted: 2017-02-10 (date: 2017/02/10)
- Topics: Donald Trump Trump-Pence administration lying counterfactualism truth/official truth/imposed authoritarianism
- Summary: «But all the traditional political fibbers nonetheless paid some deference to the truth – even as they were dodging it. They acknowledged a shared reality and bowed to it. They acknowledged the need for a common set of facts in order for a liberal democracy to function at all. Trump's lies are different. They are direct refutations of reality – and their propagation and repetition is about enforcing his power rather than wriggling out of a political conundrum. They are attacks on the very possibility of a reasoned discourse, the kind of bald-faced lies that authoritarians issue as a way to test loyalty and force their subjects into submission.»
- author: Andrew Sullivan
- source: New York Magazine
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