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  • /2014-01-29 : an introduction of sorts to the haute right-wingiverse
  • /2014-02-01 (mainly link to a denialist article he sent me)
  • /2014-02-18 : Obama is arrogant and refused to negotiate during the "fiscal cliff" crisis; the Israelis are so much more civilized than those barbarous Palestinians
  • /2014-04-08 : employees ousting a CEO because of his beliefs is "fascism"
  • /2014-04-15 (you can skip this one too; very short)
  • /2014-05-29 : liberals are against free speech
  • /2014-05-30 : many claims
  • /2014-10-21 : Democrats are exactly as much in the pockets of the big corporations as the Republicans are; book idea
  • /2014-10-22 : he recognizes himself in my LwaC posts, and wants me to remove all of them (so much for freeze peach); this and subsequent posts are private
  • /2014-11-16 : I've avoided meeting with him for awhile; here, he agrees that I can arbitrarily rule subjects off-limits, and I agree to resume lunches



  • /2016-03-10 : a possible insight into the Republican votership; "science by consensus"
  • /2016-03-24 : me: Trump is the logical endpoint of Republican counterfactualism; him: "both sides are out of touch with reality"
  • /2016-03-25 : more claims from 3/24 - English law and self-defense; austerity counterfactualism
  • /2016-04-11 : (very short) are all cultures equally good?
  • /2016-05-12 : no "transgenders" have ever been attacked in restrooms, because he has never heard of any such thing
  • /2016-05-24 : my response to him, about HB2
  • /2016-05-26 : his infuriating response to that

Apparently this was where I made the decision (with support from my therapist) to discontinue our lunches.