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Showing 20 pages using this property.
America goes to the brink, but millions already fell into poverty  +
America's Coup Machine  +
Americans Stick With Obamacare as Opposition Burns Bright  +
Americans are likelier to die due to pregnancy complications than Russians  +
An Analysis of Statements by Roger Pielke Jr  +
An Anatomy of Surrender  +
An extremely short guide to vehicle emissions  +
An unfortunate political stunt goes awry  +
Anti-Muslim Protestors Rally Outside Peace Conference in Texas  +
Anti-Muslim crimes soar in France in wake of Paris attacks  +
Anti-euro party turns anti-feminist  +
Anti-slavery and Universal Basic Income raise similar arguments  +
Apocalypse Cow - Welfare Rancher  +
Appeals court swings a sledgehammer at the ACA  +
Apple CEO to Global Warming Deniers  +
Apple patents tech to let cops switch off iPhone video, camera and wi-fi  +
Are All Terrorists Muslims  +
Are Butches Disappearing  +
Arkansas, Kentucky See Most Improvement in Uninsured Rates  +
Arsonist TERF thinks trans women are immoral  +