2004-02-15 Homosexual Marriage and Civilization/analysis

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  1. Allowing homosexuals to "marry" would:
    1. change the definition of "marry"
    2. represent a sweeping change to (American) society
    3. not be supported by the Constitution
    4. be yet another potentially devastating social experiment
      1. ...without any prior examination of the possible effects
      2. ...without any attempt to determine if American citizens want whatever effects seem likely
  2. "The Left" is trying to make this happen against the will of the American citizenry
  1. Gays are already free to marry opposite-sex partners, and are therefore not currently being discriminated against.
  2. In order to claim discrimination, they have to change the definition of "marriage".
  3. Society does not benefit in any way from labeling the bonding of homosexual lovers as "marriage".
  1. The social need for man-woman unions is apparently very strong:
    • Men and women naturally segregate from each other
    • And yet the union of a man and a woman has been a cultural imperative for all of human history
  2. Children learn their sex roles from the parent which matches their sex
  3. The Left would like to see the learning of sex roles break down (which is why they support gay marriage)
  4. If the breakdown in learning of sex roles causes problems, The Left will use this as a pretext to further break down the family