2011-04-26 Real-Life Superheroes Offer Sex Workers Protection

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The Long Island Serial Killer has dismembered and murdered possibly up to ten women, and all of the victims are sex workers. Many feel that because they are sex workers the victims (and any potential victims) have not been treated respectfully (or seriously) by the press – and some say, the police as well.

Real life superhero vigilantes in New York – the New York Initiative – have decided to step in and have sworn to do everything they can to protect sex workers from the Long Island Serial Killer. They are offering brute-force, no questions asked protection – because they believe police are inadequate:

[excerpt from Craig's List announcement]

Members of the New York Initiative are trained in martial arts, and use weapons. They can be found on the New York Initiative Facebook Page, and have also issued a statement to sex workers and are offering concrete systems in which they can be employed for protection on this Craigslist New York ad. NYI's posting also promises:

[another excerpt]

Much discussion follows, including responses from Zero, author of the Craig's List announcement.</let>