2014/04/11/Dems run on, not from, the ACA

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"I was lucky I beat cancer, but the insurance companies still denied me health insurance just because of a pre-existing condition," Keller says in the ad. "I now have health insurance again because of Mark Begich. Because he fought the insurance companies, so that we no longer have to."

For those who believe the conventional wisdom, an ad like this is simply madness. Why would Begich's allies remind red-state voters about his role in bringing affordable health care and consumer protections to Alaskans?

Maybe because the broader conversation is undergoing a long-overdue shift. As an electoral matter, Democrats will own the increasingly successful health care law whether they brag or hide, so they might as well start reminding the public about why this was a good idea – and why they're proud to have championed reforms that benefit Americans like Alaska's Lisa Keller.

What's more, Begich's allies aren't the only ones thinking along these lines.

Related: The Republican Medicaid Blockade: Time to Go on Offense on Health Care