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This subpage is for notes about my interactions with Google+.
- Archives of my posts:, u/0, u/0
- /critique
- /Global Discussion Forum
- /Charlie Hebdo
- /freeMarketThread
- /unGodlyChallenge
- /2014/05/03 discussion of Google's corporate policies
- /2015/07/11 discussion of Republican ideology
- /2017/11/18 science vs. bullshit
Posts Upon Which There Was Considerable Debate
- 2017-04-14 Just one more way this election was illegitimate.: Rugger Ducky, Shava Nerad, Marla Caldwell
Really Paranoid Conspiracy Theories
- 2011-12-08 True AI already exists
- 2011-12-16 Obama has a Keeper
- 2012-01-01 Arcturan megaraptors have taken over US government
- 2012-01-09 We all live on top of giant moving plates
- 2014-12-07 Can you really be anarchist and propertarian at the same time?
- 2014-08-27 hierarchical representation
- 2013-01-30 Open Source Bounty Tracker - see also Drupal
- 2012-11-24 two more puzzle-pieces for a complete online governance system
- 2012-10-26 political guilds
- 2012-07-30 Gun Control Proposal
- 2012-05-26 liquid representation
- 2011-12-28 2 inventions: Phone CAPTCHA and Climbing Tree Saw
- 2014-11-17 hydrogen fuel numbers
- 2015-03-26 Is there any actual data regarding the effectiveness of gun bans in public spaces?
- 2015-03-25 Dear Gun Aficionados: Please tell me you don't agree with this asshattery. Yes, they do.
- 2016-01-24 Dear Plutonomy: makes some quasi-predictive statements about the Trump administration
- 2014-10-31 I realize it drives Republicans and self-described "conservatives" crazy when anyone mentions this...: the GOP position is mostly based on superstition, ignorance, and fearmongering. (link is FPP voting video)
- 2014-10-08 Okay, let's get this straight, folks...: agorism
- 2014-09-29 The inequality is even more vast than you think. (reshare from Rugger Ducky)
- 2014-08-30 why market accountability doesn't work for large corporations (/freeMarketThread part 10)
- 2014-07-06 a meme makes a point about "pro-life" views; there is much discussion
- 2014-06-11 How free-marketism is like a religion: discussed further in free-marketism
- 2014-06-05 I'm arguing with libertarians again, and it's depressing me
- 2014-04-08 Brendan Eich departure from Mozilla
- 2014-02-12 people won't magically find work just because "disincentives" are removed
- 2014-02-04 On George Lakoff saying liberals do everything wrong, and rationality
- 2014-01-28 conservatroll-handling idea which eventually became "Illiberalism" and later "When Wings Collide"
- 2013-12-31 scientific research on giving people money
- reshares with discussion: Robert Hirsch
- - source article
- 2013-12-30 Let's Do Some Numbers: wealth redistribution (in the wrong direction)
- 2013-12-27 For those conservatives who claim that investment in poverty has never worked to solve it
- 2013-12-06 Why does anyone vote Republican, part eleventy-seven
- 2013-12-05 political power will exist whether or not we control it democratically
- 2014-12-04 Digital Collectivism (and
- 2013-12-03 Rational Debate 101
- 2013-11-27 I'm not sure I'd put it quite that strongly...: a brief statement that almost accidentally sets up some important parameters around the concept of "rights"
- 2013-09-30 Muslims taking over?: Sam Stutter says not even in Europe
- 2013-09-28 profit margins of largest health insurers - much trollage
- 2013-09-11 9/11 and jet fuel
- 2013-07-02 Trying to clarify the definition of "profit"
- 2013-06-18 Meme Report: "Giving money to unemployed people hurts them, because it rewards failure." -- and there was much Noel Yap.
- 2013-05-23 Primary Drivers of Political Dysfunction in America
- 2013-05-21 Reasons why GMO is unsustainable - became the basis of genetically engineered food article
- 2013-05-20 repost of Monica M.'s "How The American Medical System Almost Killed Me", with ensuing discussion of Health Savings Accounts
- 2013-04 on "The Perfect Salary":
- 04-26
- part zero
- part one - original paper, and caveats
- part two - answering Craig's objections
- part three - answering Ed Bradford
- 04-27
- 04-26
- 2013-03-02 What are the effects of inflation on economic disparity?
- 2013-03-01 "If you don't want X to happen, don't do Y."
- 2013-02-21 Every week, Joe received a sack of money. Dystopian satire.
- 2013-02-05 David Burnette
- 2013-02-03 alternate visualization for wave-particle duality: comment on Maya Posch's post
- 2013-04-06 further discussion on Liza Persson's post
- 2013-01-26 Jobsolescence Hits the Mainstream Media
- 2012-11-09 The Argument for Universal Welfare
- 2012-10-02 compensation for work, minimum share of product, limits to power
- 2012-08-14 The "What About Africa" Argument Against Taxing the Rich
- 2012-06-10 selectively abandoning government protection of "property"
- 2012-04-29 I suggest "Strosser's Law" (see 11/24 entry)
- 2012-04-01 Opt-in Market Socialism (InstaGov)
- 2012-03-25 Curse Words for the 21st Century
- 2012-03-18 some acceptable alt.candidates
- 2012-03-12 borrowing should be licensed
- 2012-01-24 Don't forget Marie Antoinette
- 2012-01-21 How to Destroy a Democracy by getting its citizens to do it for you
- 2012-01-05 Wanted: rational defenses of any of the following beliefs
- 2011-12-13 102282887764745350285/posts/BKJzgTbRfdU
- 2011-12-07 OWS taking over abandoned buildings - not much discussion
- 2011-12-06 Ron Paul factchecking
- 2011-12-03 the "turn off your electronics" rule - a valid defense in comments?
- 2011-11-24 principle in need of naming: "you cannot advocate for something that is known to be harmful to your audience."
- 2011-11-23 property laws: "If property is to continue as a fundamental principle of society, it should be based at least as much on stewardship as on exchange of value."
- 2011-11-23 Obama is too business-friendly
- 2011-11-23 the "Dublin Bar" allegory of economic crisis
- 2011-11-23 defense of "Keynesian"
- 2011-11-21 KMyMoney
- 2011-11-18 property laws should have a purpose
- 2011-11-17 liveblogging the OWS livestream
- 2011-11-14 is "real estate" "property"?
- 2011-11-14 Chapel Hill building occupation
- 2011-11-14 small government advocacy vs. monetary centralization
- 2011-12-16 the whole "government is to blame for corporate abuse" meme shows up in the first comment
- 2011-12-14 marginal tax rates
Other People's Posts
- 2012-02-20 Chris Chabot: There's no tomorrow: the film's producer shows up two years later to defend himself indignantly, but never actually addresses the criticisms
Things to Post About Later
- 2013-03-18 Bora's post about AI started an argument which could have taken over his thread; would like to post about it separately
- /protest: my protest against the Common Names policy.
- /users: notes on individual users -- trolls and others
Communities I really don't have time to keep up with, but that are probably good for dipping into:
- Science-Inculcated Culture (I moderate, so stayed joined... for now)
- Free Palestine
- Canary In The Mine - dubious
- Spin Junkies
- Conversation
- Seize the Time-Black Panther Party, 60's & Beyond - Bobby Seale's community; left reluctantly
- Actionable Liberty - Jacob Zolt's community; not quite my cup of tea
- Rootstrikers: may rejoin at some point when I have more time
- Experimental Music - when I can listen to random music whenever I feel like it...
- Synthesizers! - cool, but just don't have the time