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=Lunch with a Conservatist=
These are posts made in frustration about trying to have rational dialogue with my dad over lunch, which we were having more or less every week (at his request) over the course of more than a decade.
January through October 2016 were originally public; the rest were originally private in order to avoid confrontation. In July 2017, I decided I was done with that.
Note that I never identified him in any of the original public posts; I might have referred to him as "a relative" in comments on occasion. Even now I'm not giving his name. I could just link to Wikipedia, but that would be equivalent.
Over the years before this, he had forwarded me many irritatingly counterfactual articles "for your amusement"; I wrote responses to some of them. Here's one:
* [[2010-01-30 Twelve Simple Ways to Fight This Climate Change/woozle]]
* [[/2014-01-29]] : an introduction of sorts to the haute right-wingiverse
* [[/2014-01-29]] : an introduction of sorts to the haute right-wingiverse
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* [[/2015-04-03]] : climate change responses
* [[/2015-04-03]] : climate change responses
* [[/2015-05-19]] : [[global warming denial]], probabilities, Pascal's wager, and the Taleb+4 statement
* [[/2015-05-19]] : [[global warming denial]], probabilities, Pascal's wager, and the Taleb+4 statement
* [[/2015-09-22]] : a possible insight into the dysconservative mind (long)
* [[/2015-09-22]] : a possible insight into the conservatist mind (long)
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* [[/2016-03-24]] : me: Trump is the logical endpoint of Republican counterfactualism; him: "both sides are out of touch with reality"
* [[/2016-03-24]] : me: Trump is the logical endpoint of Republican counterfactualism; him: "both sides are out of touch with reality"
* [[/2016-03-25]] : more claims from 3/24 - English law and self-defense; austerity counterfactualism
* [[/2016-03-25]] : more claims from 3/24 - English law and self-defense; austerity counterfactualism
* [[/2016-04-11]] : (very short) are all cultures equally good?
* [[/2016-04-11]] : (very short) are all cultures equally good? Do liberals believe they are?
* [[/2016-05-12]] : no "transgenders" have ever been attacked in restrooms, because he has never heard of any such thing
* [[/2016-05-12]] : [now posting to SWoC] no "transgenders" have ever been attacked in restrooms, because he has never heard of any such thing
* [[/2016-05-24]] : my response to him, about HB2
* [[/2016-05-24]] : my response to him, about HB2
* [[/2016-05-26]] : his infuriating response to that
* [[/2016-05-26]] : his infuriating response to that
Apparently this was where I made the decision (with support from my therapist) to discontinue our lunches.
Apparently this was where I made the decision (with support from my therapist) to discontinue our lunches.
=Life with a Conservatist=
* '''2019-09-14''' He emailed me [[2019/09/12/Against neurodiversity|this article]] ([[2019/09/12/Against neurodiversity/woozle|rebuttal]]), with the comment "Hi W: I don't think you are autistic, and I was unaware of the conflict discussed at the end of this article. But it is an interesting piece and I thought you might find it worth reading." I just want to know where he gets off saying I'm not autistic when I have so many matching symptoms. It's equivalent to saying "I think all your strange and problematic behavior patterns are just for show."
* '''2019-10-18''' [https://toot.cat/@woozle/102983569957989567 Car Ride With a Conservatist]
** According to my dad:
*** there isn't much hard evidence that carbon dioxide drives [[global warming]]
*** the [[hockey-stick graph]] has all kinds of problems with it, especially if you look back over 100,000 years ago
*** the left-leaning media (which includes the New Yorker and ''[[New York Times]]'') curses too much
*** disregarding people when they curse isn't the same as suppressing [[free speech]]
*** it's better to speak civilly when planning to do terrible things than it is to curse about how we shouldn't be doing terrible things
*** when everyone raises their hands for the Green New Deal, that's an example of [[tribalism]] on the Left
** He thinks [[Tulsi Gabbard]] is good, which immediately makes me think there must be something awful about her that I've overlooked.
* '''[[/2019-12-26]]''' Silly me, I agreed to another lunch. He'd sort of skirted politics the last few times...
* '''2020-05-17''' from an email to my mom regarding [https://getpocket.com/explore/item/why-is-it-so-stressful-to-talk-politics-with-the-other-side Why Is It so Stressful to Talk Politics With the Other Side?]:
*: I think the second hypothesis especially is relevant to our issues with Dad.
*: I've said previously that he seems to think of politics as being like a sports match, where the outcome doesn't really matter (unless, of course, you're a Duke or UNC fan, but that seems like a different kind of problem) -- and while I am generally disdainful about moralizing, I feel strongly that moral judgement which is based on an honest investigation of the evidence ''is'' something that is important, because clearly a lot of harm happens when bad public policy decisions are made... and we have been direct victims, multiple times, of bad policy (enacted almost entirely by people espousing the views he tends to support), although we didn't need to be direct or clear victims of it in order to see the harm.
* '''2023-02-04''' [https://www.facebook.com/john.staddon.10/posts/pfbid02SZ6jhsZ29kNJeN1FFUyKfqJYF4jV4ySfo94HpbwCDGpivyWpNKARx5gB8rUYpa1Bl FB share] of [https://vimeo.com/779403120 2022-12-08 The Woke Destruction of Data-Driven Inquiry] at [[Hillsdale College]], where he spoke (not sure if the video is just him or if he opens up for others).
* '''2023-03-06''' [https://www.facebook.com/john.staddon.10/posts/pfbid02HRrsfysZqjof9bbp8Fb4DNj4RZff5jsgHFPCFVriaE1ULG8R6DR2GKU3GyD9eXN8l FB share] of [https://www.city-journal.org/the-great-feminization-of-the-american-university 2022-03-05 In Loco Masculi] by [[Heather Mac Donald]] {{fmt/quote|The feminization of the American university is all but complete}}: She talks like this is a problem.
* '''2023-03-06''' [https://www.facebook.com/john.staddon.10/posts/pfbid055n545D7PRxKQoNyRScMtuuPq9kmFtGMfcQRQAfzVCi1eynx178Fgf83YdHtB6oPl FB share] of [https://www.dailysignal.com/2022/08/30/women-are-disproportionately-hurting-our-country 2022-08-30 Women Are Disproportionately Hurting Our Country] by [[Dennis Fucking Prager]] {{fmt/quote|Whether spoken or unspoken, most people thought that girls just didn’t need to be raised to control their natures nearly as much as boys did. / But they do.}} Again, the assumption that people need to "control their natures". The only people I see whose natures are out of control, however, is [[conservatist]]s.
* '''2023-03-12''' [https://www.facebook.com/john.staddon.10/posts/pfbid02mazh6SQx7Wg1iGH3iVhP4QU7y5iLyD84K8FLnDVrw3KY19zwhhqWMhJoano75Chnl FB share] of [https://thespectator.com/topic/make-colleges-pay-biden-student-debt/ 2023-03-10 Make the colleges pay] (for student debt)
* '''2023-04-06''' [https://www.carolinajournal.com/opinion/speech-is-violence-and-some-ideas-cannot-be-challenged-really/ Some ideas can’t be challenged and ‘speech is violence.’ Really?]
** '''my response''': [[cwre:Woozle/2023/04/29|Stanford's Intolerant Intolerance of Intolerance]]
* '''2023-04-14''' [https://www.facebook.com/john.staddon.10/posts/pfbid02ABS1mQZQE8gQyh4BAPn9kPnuEA9zRquyh1Dz4KdzTfqn5fZuFWDfKrai1jHEAh7Dl FB share] of [https://www.mindingthecampus.org/2023/04/14/never-mind-science-be-authentic/ Never Mind Science—Be Authentic]: it seems to me that science cannot exist without authenticity, so this sounds (unsurprisingly) like right-wing politics again
* '''2023-04-27'''
** [https://www.facebook.com/john.staddon.10/posts/pfbid0zNEBidbqtTJ3Mbn42qxve2E1zNKY8aoWRF8jExg5nsfE7LEJShVch8S9XAR6cmh1l FB share] of '''2023-04-19''' [https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/podcasts/the-leighton-smith-podcast/leighton-smith-podcast-episode-192-april-19th-2023/ The Leighton Smith Podcast: John Staddon, Professor of Biology and Psychology urges scientists to resist the demands for their unconditional surrender] (see [[Leighton Smith]]: {{l/wp/ref|Leighton Smith}})
** [https://www.facebook.com/john.staddon.10/posts/pfbid035eEYJX7HaqRtj9uE2PGmDEFYF1XS1BXioGrdrQbmSiLy4LFaxjFnXMGnci5SPevRl FB share] of the same "be authentic" article, I guess in case we didn't see it the first time?
* '''2023-05-02''' [https://www.mindingthecampus.org/2023/05/02/wikibias-how-wikipedia-erases-fringe-theories-and-enforces-conformity/ WikiBias: How Wikipedia erases “fringe theories” and enforces conformity]
** '''my response''': [[cwre:Woozle/2023/05/02|Wikipedia Cruelly Silences Racist Speech]]

Latest revision as of 00:50, 3 May 2023

Lunch with a Conservatist

These are posts made in frustration about trying to have rational dialogue with my dad over lunch, which we were having more or less every week (at his request) over the course of more than a decade.

January through October 2016 were originally public; the rest were originally private in order to avoid confrontation. In July 2017, I decided I was done with that.

Note that I never identified him in any of the original public posts; I might have referred to him as "a relative" in comments on occasion. Even now I'm not giving his name. I could just link to Wikipedia, but that would be equivalent.


Over the years before this, he had forwarded me many irritatingly counterfactual articles "for your amusement"; I wrote responses to some of them. Here's one:


  • /2014-01-29 : an introduction of sorts to the haute right-wingiverse
  • /2014-02-01 (mainly link to a denialist article he sent me)
  • /2014-02-18 : Obama is arrogant and refused to negotiate during the "fiscal cliff" crisis; the Israelis are so much more civilized than those barbarous Palestinians
  • /2014-04-08 : employees ousting a CEO because of his beliefs is "fascism"
  • /2014-04-15 (you can skip this one too; very short)
  • /2014-05-29 : liberals are against free speech
  • /2014-05-30 : many claims
  • /2014-10-21 : Democrats are exactly as much in the pockets of the big corporations as the Republicans are; book idea
  • /2014-10-22 : he recognizes himself in my LwaC posts, and wants me to remove all of them (so much for freeze peach); this and subsequent posts are private
  • /2014-11-16 : I've avoided meeting with him for awhile; here, he agrees that I can arbitrarily rule subjects off-limits, and I agree to resume lunches



  • /2016-03-10 : a possible insight into the Republican votership; "science by consensus"
  • /2016-03-24 : me: Trump is the logical endpoint of Republican counterfactualism; him: "both sides are out of touch with reality"
  • /2016-03-25 : more claims from 3/24 - English law and self-defense; austerity counterfactualism
  • /2016-04-11 : (very short) are all cultures equally good? Do liberals believe they are?
  • /2016-05-12 : [now posting to SWoC] no "transgenders" have ever been attacked in restrooms, because he has never heard of any such thing
  • /2016-05-24 : my response to him, about HB2
  • /2016-05-26 : his infuriating response to that

Apparently this was where I made the decision (with support from my therapist) to discontinue our lunches.

Life with a Conservatist