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# (8/9, 41m01s, Rachel Maddow) "MSNBC Breaking News Today August 9, 2021" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5U7vFBbypU - interview with Dr. Fauci, where he answers a lot of questions about Delta, masks, and vaccination (Note: there's an annoying technical issue where the video is noticeably out of sync with the audio.)
# (8/9, 41m01s, Rachel Maddow) "MSNBC Breaking News Today August 9, 2021" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5U7vFBbypU - interview with Dr. Fauci, where he answers a lot of questions about Delta, masks, and vaccination (Note: there's an annoying technical issue where the video is noticeably out of sync with the audio.)
* https://conservativebrief.com/judge-blocked-48051/ - more disinfo
* https://conservativebrief.com/judge-blocked-48051/ - more disinfo (see also [https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/biden-administration-moves-to-force-religious-hospitals-to-uphold-transgender-mandate/ National Review])
** https://www.yahoo.com/now/federal-judge-blocks-biden-mandate-165254585.html "The Obama administration attached a mandate to the Affordable Care Act in 2016 stating that health care providers must perform and provide insurance coverage for gender transition surgery. The mandate interprets the ACA non-discrimination clause, known as Section 1557, to cover transition surgery and does not provide a religious exemption for providers."
** https://www.yahoo.com/now/federal-judge-blocks-biden-mandate-165254585.html "The Obama administration attached a mandate to the Affordable Care Act in 2016 stating that health care providers must perform and provide insurance coverage for gender transition surgery. The mandate interprets the ACA non-discrimination clause, known as Section 1557, to cover transition surgery and does not provide a religious exemption for providers."
** https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2016/05/18/2016-11458/nondiscrimination-in-health-programs-and-activities - this seems to be the mandate, and it applies only to organizations receiving federal funding.
** https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2016/05/18/2016-11458/nondiscrimination-in-health-programs-and-activities - this seems to be the mandate, and it applies only to organizations receiving federal funding.
*** https://www.hhs.gov/civil-rights/for-individuals/section-1557/index.html
*** https://www.hhs.gov/civil-rights/for-individuals/section-1557/index.html

Revision as of 23:51, 11 August 2021


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to post somewhere

(From Discord on 2021-01-10:

So now I've thought of two ways right-wingism gets its hooks into people:

  • appeals to comforting beliefs: yes, you are in control of your life, you deserve everything you have, anyone who worked as hard as you would have achieved the same thing -- therefore anyone who isn't doing well is pretty much to blame for that (the Cult of Personal Responsibility)
  • appeals to vanity: by always questioning any conclusion which is either widely accepted or seemingly inescapable, you are proving that you are cleverer and more open-minded than the Sheeple -- and you can prove your worthiness and non-sheeplyness by repeating ideas which articulately take down such widely-accepted and/or inescapable conclusions, regardless of whether those arguments make sense on closer examination, in the name of being sure to question everything and examine all sides (Cheap Talk Skepticism)(edited)

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time to catch up...

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<root> is andrew lee, some select quotes from today:
<root> wizardess: Thank you just keep supporting the movement of freedom!!!
<root> MFGA!!!!!
<GreenJello> root, and you wonder why people associate you with Trump?
<root> GreenJello: That's a huge compliment to be associated with such a great former President.
<root> <3

<root> jane_doe: hint the freenode network is its own sovereign state
<root> jane_doe: we have an agreement with the uk

<yanmaani> <@root> you guys are fucking stupid af. stop talkin like that u fucktards.
<wizardess> yanmaani: omg fake!!
<root> thats not fake

<root> This isn't the IRC wars.
<root> Communists are attacking freenode.
<root> This is the end of the cancel culture wars.
<root> This is the beginning of the power of unity.
<root> We are at the cusp of a new era... for the world.
<root> freenode is the very definition of freedom

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My Nextdoor editorial on this:

I think I disagree a little, here. I think Faux News is more an opportunistic exploiter of the situation -- a symptom -- than the cause.

Likewise, social media is just the latest iteration in the problem of information overwhelm -- although it may be the one which tipped the system over into chaotic behavior.

The cause, I would say, is the ever-increasing amount of information people have to sift through in order to understand the realities beyond their front door. Some people are better equipped (by whatever combination of nature and nurture) to handle this than others.

...which means that as the complexity continues to rise, the number of people do *not* handle infoglut very well goes up, and the opportunities to exploit those people for political gain increase correspondingly.

We need to establish some trustable, democratically-operated institutions for processing and distilling the transfinite complexities of reality, and we need to do it NOW.

8/11 (Wed)

  1. (today, 5m42s, Beau): "Let's talk about Rand Paul needing a remedial civics lesson...." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ag_NJEc5cI4 Confession: I used to think Rand's dad was possibly okay, but it turned out I was wrong... and Rand is worse.
  2. (today, 9m07s, Rebecca Watson) "I Am Dealing With the IPCC Global Warming Report" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzuIJzO9AI4
    Listen to Rebecca. She knows what's up. Here's a text article about that same report: https://www.vox.com/22613027/un-ipcc-climate-change-report-ar6-disaster
    She also makes a very good comparison between the global warming crisis and the COVID crisis.
  3. (8/9, 18m21s, LuckyBlackCat) "OK Boomer: Class War Not Generation War" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CY4pNGK7ccI
  4. (today, 19m13s, StepBack) "Cryptocurrency Is the Perfect Commodity" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THDsfQaeuiQ - I only disagree with about 5% of what he says, and it's mostly quibbling.
    Full disclosure: I got a couple of donations in BTC back in the early days, which of course blew up in value over the next decade. I managed to cash out $1000 of it during the last peak, and still have about $1000 worth -- but that only proves his point: the game rewards early-adopters, at the expense of everyone else. (I have never put any money *into* crypto, nor do I plan to.)
  5. (8/9, 41m01s, Rachel Maddow) "MSNBC Breaking News Today August 9, 2021" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5U7vFBbypU - interview with Dr. Fauci, where he answers a lot of questions about Delta, masks, and vaccination (Note: there's an annoying technical issue where the video is noticeably out of sync with the audio.)