Abortion prohibitionism

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Pro-life refers to the view that any decision in which a human life is ended is wrong, regardless of the reason, and should be illegal in most if not all cases.

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The list of proscribed actions includes:

Related Viewpoints

These are purely personal observations at this point; where can relevant data be found?

  • Quiverfull "is a movement among conservative evangelical Protestant Christian couples chiefly in the United States, but with some adherents in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, and elsewhere. Its viewpoint is to eagerly receive children as blessings from God, eschewing all forms of birth control, including natural family planning and sterilization." -- sort of the ultimate pro-life position: quantity at any cost.


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  • "God is pro-life" (seen 2008-10-29 in Durham, NC)
    • If this is true, then why does God allow people to die? Why does God allow the death penalty? (Shouldn't a society which allows the death penalty be subjected to the same kind of divine punishment as one which "tolerates Sodomy"?) Why does God allow wars? I call bullshit. -W.