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The anti-abortion viewpoint, most commonly found under the larger umbrella of the more appealing term "pro-life", refers to the view that abortion is wrong, regardless of the reason, and should be illegal in most if not all cases

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  • /arguments: structured arguments starting with anti-abortion positions
  • abortion/black genocide: some argue that abortion clinics target black women, with the goal of reducing or eliminating black people.



Robert, a commenter on Contrary Brin, said, on or about 2008-10-18:

I've long been a believer that the only people who have a right to demand abortions be made illegal are those who are willing to spend their own money to take in a young expectant mother, pay for their medical bills and insurance costs, pay for the child's costs, and provide the woman with a stipend to help make ends meet. If someone is willing to do all of that... then they can insist abortions be made illegal.

Not a single one has risen to my challenge. =^-^=

I'll second that, to the point of agreeing that criminalization of abortion is not a valid position to take unless you are also proposing a system for providing care to the mother and child as Robert describes. There would need to be some additional conditions on such systems, however, such as "no religious proselytizing". --Woozle 16:22, 19 October 2008 (UTC)

anonymous user said: You're both douchebags, and that asian style smilie just confirms it. If you recognized that a person's life begins at conception, your argument would be completely baseless. Because then you might as well support the mother's right to kill her child anytime before adulthood. So I guess people who are against infanticide don't have valid positions either unless they are prepared to cover the child's expenses through adulthood.
Actually, even if I recognized that a person's life begins at conception, that would only undermine that argument if I agreed that the baby's life was more important than the mother's (which I don't). As it happens,though, I think the question of when life has or hasn't started is a very artificial distinction to make. Some people say "life begins at forty" -- obviously they're not talking about "life" in the same way we are here, but that's my point: "life" has lots of different aspects to it, and they begin at different times, and none of them is like flipping a switch. When does the brain start working? When does the heart start beating? When does the proto-baby become aware? At what point does it acquire a will to live?
I'm willing to draw the line at birth, or perhaps at the point of viability. Regardless of that, I wouldn't want to be a baby whose mother wanted to abort me and was told it was illegal. Life's screwed up enough as it is. =^.^= (Hello Kitty loves you too.) --Woozle 11:50, 15 January 2009 (UTC)


Filed Links


  • 2025/01/25 00:58 UTC [L..T] [US:EO] ENFORCING THE HYDE AMENDMENT «For nearly five decades, the Congress has annually enacted the Hyde Amendment and similar laws that prevent Federal funding of elective abortion, reflecting a longstanding consensus that American taxpayers should not be forced to pay for that practice. However, the previous administration disregarded this established, commonsense policy by embedding forced taxpayer funding of elective abortions in a wide variety of Federal programs. It is the policy of the United States, consistent with the Hyde Amendment, to end the forced use of Federal taxpayer dollars to fund or promote elective abortion.»
  • 2015/07/20 [L..T] ‘Stand-To:’ Holding The Line Against Christian Fascism "Yes, they are liars. They are lying little liars who tell wicked lies. How do you know that a forced-birth activist is lying? Simple: if they carry a sign or open their mouths, they are lying. They are never not lying. They only ever lie. Fibbing and fraud are their primary weapons."
  • 2015/02/04 [L..T] I Had an Ectopic Pregnancy, and Anti-Choice Laws Could Have Made My Experience Much Worse "I'm grateful that during this medical emergency, my doctors were allowed to follow only their best judgment about what care would keep me healthiest, according to the most current standards of their profession. Their only legal concern was my safety. The police had no part in our story. If you want to imagine me at this moment, picture me thumbing my nose at every meddling anti-choice medievalist who was prevented from making a terrible week even worse and threatening my health to boot."
  • 2014/05/14 [L..T] We all have to be brave "Michelle Farber, a midwife at women's reproductive health clinics, describes the impact of anti-choice protests on abortion providers and the women seeking their services."
  • 2014/03/18 [L..T] A Stillborn Child, A Charge of Murder and the Disputed Case Law on "Fetal Harm" "By smoking crack during her pregnancy, the indictment said, Gibbs had "unlawfully, willfully, and feloniously" caused the death of her baby. The maximum sentence: life in prison."
  • 2013/04/08 [L..T] Newsflash: Pregnancy Is Hard But Anti-Choicers Refuse to Admit It
  • 2010/01/15 [L..T] Blacks Picket Pizza Hut in North Carolina lead paragraph::On Saturday, January 16, 2010, black activists will be standing outside of a Pizza Hut on Bragg Boulevard. In October, 2008, black pro-life activists with graphic signs stood on Yadkin Road in Fayetteville, North Carolina, to expose what was believed to be a stealth Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in the making.

News & Views

  • 2007-11-06 A Fresh Challenge to the Religious Right's View of Abortion by Frederick Clarkson: according to a new book by Gary Willis, "Much of the debate over abortion is based on a misconception, that this is a religious issue, that the pro-life advocates are acting out of religious conviction. It is not a theological matter at all. There is no theological basis for either defending or condemning abortion. Even the popes have said that it is a matter of natural law, to be decided by natural reason."

