2007-06-26 Ahmadinejad is not anti-Semitic
Ahmadinejad: "I am not anti-Semitic" Palestinians should Decide on Two-State Solution 2007/06/26 00:00
- URL: http://www.juancole.com/2007/06/ahmadinejad-i-am-not-anti-semitic.html
- Posted: 2007-06-26 (date: 2007/06/26)
- Topics: Mahmud Ahmadinejad Iran-Palestine relations Iran-Israel relations Dennis Kucinich Ron Paul
- Summary: «Calling for a regime to vanish is not the same as calling for people to be killed. Ahmadinejad has not to my knowledge called for anyone to be killed.»
- Author: Juan Cole
- Source: juancole.com
Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul continue to show themselves among the few in Congress with any integrity and backbone. They declined to go along with a resolution charging Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad with incitement to genocide, given his alleged call for Israel to be 'wiped off the face of the map.'
As most of my readers know, Ahmadinejad did not use that phrase in Persian. He quoted an old saying of Ayatollah Khomeini calling for 'this occupation regime over Jerusalem" to "vanish from the page of time." Calling for a regime to vanish is not the same as calling for people to be killed. Ahmadinejad has not to my knowledge called for anyone to be killed. (Wampum has more; as does the American Street).
If Ahmadinejad is a genocidal maniac who just wants to kill Jews, then why are there 20,000 Jews in Iran with a member of parliament in Tehran? Couldn't he start at home if that was what he is really about?