Censored news

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This page is for information about newsworthy stories whose coverage by the mainstream media was drastically minimized compared to the significance of the issues involved.

organized by source

Project Censored

"2007": 2005-2006

  • Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007 2005-2006
    1. 2005-07-18 "Future of Internet" Debate Ignored by Media
    2. 2005-08-05 Halliburton Charged with Selling Nuclear Technologies to Iran
    3. 2006-03/04 Oceans of the World in Extreme Danger
    4. 2006-03 Hunger and Homelessness Increasing in the United States
    5. 2005-08 High-Tech Genocide in Congo
    6. 2005-12-05 Federal Whistleblower Protection in Jeopardy
    7. 2006-03-05 US Operatives Torture Detainees to Death in Afghanistan and Iraq
    8. 2005-12 Pentagon Exempt from Freedom of Information Act
    9. 2005-03-09 The World Bank Funds Israel-Palestine Wall
    10. 2005-12 Expanded Air War in Iraq Kills More Civilians
    11. 2006-02-09 Dangers of Genetically Modified Food Confirmed
    12. 2005-08-03 Pentagon Plans to Build New Landmines
    13. 2005-04 New Evidence Establishes Dangers of Roundup (weedkiller)
    14. 2006-02-21 Homeland Security Contracts KBR to Build Detention Centers in the US
    15. 2005-10-06 Chemical Industry is EPA’s Primary Research Partner
      • is this parallel to the way funding for research in the animal sciences is now throttled by ridiculous regulations?
    16. 2005-11-02 Ecuador and Mexico Defy US on International Criminal Court
    17. 2006-03-20 Iraq Invasion Promotes OPEC Agenda
    18. 2006-01-26 Physicist Challenges Official 9-11 Story
    19. 2005-10-21 Destruction of Rainforests Worst Ever
    20. 2006-02-05 Bottled Water: A Global Environmental Problem
    21. 2006-02-15 Gold Mining Threatens Ancient Andean Glaciers
    22. 2005-06-22 $Billions in Homeland Security Spending Undisclosed
    23. 2005-12-08 US Oil Targets Kyoto in Europe
    24. 2005-10 Cheney’s Halliburton Stock Rose Over 3000 Percent Last Year
    25. 2005-12-14 US Military in Paraguay Threatens Region

"2006": 2004-2005

  • The Top Censored Stories of 2004 to 2005:
    1. Bush Administration Moves to Eliminate Open Government
    2. Media Coverage Fails on Iraq: Fallujah and the Civilian Death
    3. Another Year of Distorted Election Coverage
    4. Surveillance Society Quietly Moves In
    5. U.S. Uses Tsunami to Military Advantage in Southeast Asia
    6. The Real Oil for Food Scam
    7. Journalists Face Unprecedented Dangers to Life and Livelihood
    8. Iraqi Farmers Threatened By Bremer’s Mandates
    9. Iran’s New Oil Trade System Challenges U.S. Currency
    10. Mountaintop Removal Threatens Ecosystem and Economy
    11. Universal Mental Screening Program Usurps Parental Rights
    12. Military in Iraq Contracts Human Rights Violators
    13. Rich Countries Fail to Live up to Global Pledges
    14. Corporations Win Big on Tort Reform, Justice Suffers
    15. Conservative Plan to Override Academic Freedom in the Classroom
    16. U.S. Plans for Hemispheric Integration Include Canada
    17. U.S. Uses South American Military Bases to Expand Control of the Region
    18. Little Known Stock Fraud Could Weaken U.S. Economy
    19. Child Wards of the State Used in AIDS Experiments
    20. American Indians Sue for Resources; Compensation Provided to Others
    21. New Immigration Plan Favors Business Over People
    22. Nanotechnology Offers Exciting Possibilities But Health Effects Need Scrutiny
    23. Plight of Palestinian Child Detainees Highlights Global Problem
    24. Ethiopian Indigenous Victims of Corporate and Government Resource Aspirations
    25. Homeland Security Was Designed to Fail