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Transmisia, from trans- (reference to transgendrity + -misia (noun form of the -mis affix meaning "wrong or bad"), is misinformation or misrepresentation of transgendrity. It often leads to anti-trans bigotry, and is often used for rage farming against transgender people.

It is a form of social stagnationism which has the net effect of needlessly working against equal social rights of transgender people.

As with any widespread form of bigotry, it often leads to abuse and even violence. This includes disproportionate denial of services to trans people, including shelters.


  • Transmisia is more often called "transphobiaA", based on -phobia meaning fear of transgender people, but such fear by itself only part of the problem.
  • It often comes in the form of transnegation, which tries to frame trans people as deluded or "confused" -- basically denying their existence and their lived experience.


  • /JKR: author J.K. Rowling has been a heavy promoter of anti-trans beliefs and sentiments
  • /UK: anti-trans advocacy in the UK
  • /restrooms: the "bathroom safety" moral panic



As overtly religious arguments lost traction over the late 2010s (having shed most of their credibility during their war on gay people), social stagnationists reoriented their focus towards transgendrity and trans people, whose public visibility (and therefore acceptance) has lagged a few decades behind those of homosexuality.

A significant part of this trend has been self-identified feminists and "pro-woman" advocates (not necessarily feminists) who claim to believe that trans rights represent a threat to the safety of women and girls. Since these people do not represent the majority of feminists (or even the majority of cisgender women), the term "trans-exclusionary radical feminist" or "TERF" was coined to describe their position. (It should be noted that their views typically are quite anti-feminist as well.)

Another attempted positive framing of transmisia is those who refer to their position as "gender critical", which is another common element of TERF ideology. While they may say things which appear to deny the existence of gender, they nonetheless use many arguments based in gender essentialism to attempt enforcement of neotraditional gender roles (while, of course, as feminists, claiming to be against that which they are advocating).

The TERF branch of anti-trans advocacy most notably represents a growing political force in the UK, where trans rights have been well established for some time but legal improvements and updates are needed in order to accommodate improved understanding.


People who promote anti-trans beliefs include:


  • 2018-04-05 Ankhassa@Twitter "There is no need for any other definition for a woman apart from "woman". Its a description which has been representative for thousands of years. As has "man". If it doesn't suit you why on earth would you claim be one?" -- The last tweet in a long discussion that began with a link to a YouTube video entitled "Transgender Women Aren't 'Women'"


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