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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
14:00, 5 February 2014 The-Wonkette-Nazi-Analogy-Flowchart.jpg (file) 276 KB Woozle * '''source''': 1
13:52, 12 March 2014 1521276 739001372800468 1638618088 n.jpg (file) 101 KB Woozle * '''what''': meme image about minimum wage 1
21:42, 27 March 2014 Sg6neyA.jpg (file) 168 KB Woozle Osama Bin Laden, anti-Soviet warrior * '''found''': [ Google+] 1
17:54, 29 March 2014 ShireLibra web.jpg (file) 67 KB Woozle * '''what''': Shire Society Declaration, an example of basic principles for a minarchy * '''found''': [ Google+], 2014-03-29 1
16:55, 30 March 2014 14+-+1.jpg (file) 90 KB Woozle * '''what''': example of how a situation can be misrepresented even in an unretouched photograph * '''found''': [ Google+], 2014-03-30 1
17:16, 4 April 2014 10+commandments+of+logic.jpg (file) 114 KB Woozle * '''what''': "The 10 Commandments of Logic" * '''source''': [ Google+], retrieved 2014-04-04 1
13:32, 10 April 2014 Hobby-Lobby-Complaint-stamped.pdf (file) 3.68 MB Woozle * '''Retrieved''' from [ here] via [ here] on 2014-04-10 1
13:17, 15 April 2014 WPpQQS8.jpg (file) 107 KB Woozle * '''what''': poster leaflet apparently from the New American Movement * '''retrieved''' from via [ Reddit] on 2014-04-15 1
17:51, 15 April 2014 Allthemoneyinamerica.png (file) 289 KB Woozle * '''what''': distribution of wealth in America (year unknown) * '''retrieved''' from [ here] via [] here on 2014-04-15 1
20:09, 1 May 2014 628x471.jpg (file) 67 KB Woozle * '''retrieved''' from source of 2014/05/01/High carbon dioxide levels set a record * '''what''': graph of {{co2}} levels, ~1960 - 2014 * '''for''': global warming 1
01:25, 2 May 2014 The Future of Employment.pdf (file) 1.07 MB Woozle * '''retrieved'' from [ here] via link here on 2014-05-01 1
20:59, 6 May 2014 Resource maps 201207.pptx (file) 12.42 MB Woozle * '''what''': PowerPoint document "Renewable Energy Technology Resource Maps and Technical Potential for the United States" * '''retrieved''' from on 2014-05-06 1
18:30, 21 May 2014 Vol67-2014-125-130lu.pdf (file) 1.02 MB Woozle * '''what''': local copy of 2014/05/09/Sub-lethal exposure to neonicotinoids impaired honey bees winterization before proceeding to colony collapse disorder * '''retrieved''' from 1
22:11, 5 June 2014 Rich-pander.pdf (file) 498 KB Woozle * '''retrieved''' from [ Cryptome] via [ DailyKos] on 2014-06-05 * '''what''': the Citigroup "plutonomy" document 1
17:13, 12 July 2014 2014-07-11 climate data comparison.svg (file) 39 KB Woozle * '''what''': comparison of old and new GISS data identified in this article - old data (blue) has connecting lines, so it is easier to see behind the new data (pink) 1
17:20, 12 July 2014 2014-07-11 climate data comparison.ods (file) 55 KB Woozle Sheet2 now has a graph of the two datasets. 2
02:57, 15 November 2014 Simpsons two-party system.jpg (file) 115 KB Woozle * '''retrieved''': from [ Google+] on 2014-11-14 * '''for''': two-party system article 1
13:13, 15 December 2014 249652333-Senate-torture-report.pdf (file) 62.64 MB Woozle * '''what''': the Senate torture report * '''retrieved''': from [ Scribd] on 2014-12-15 (h/t [ 1
01:56, 9 January 2015 Violent.png (file) 233 KB Woozle * '''for''': Christianity vs. Islam * '''retrieved''': from [ Google+] on 2015-01-08 category:cartoons 1
17:38, 11 January 2015 J-Communication-2007-1.pdf (file) 90 KB Woozle * '''title''': Framing, Agenda Setting, and Priming: The Evolution of Three Media Effects Models * '''authors''': Dietram A. Scheufele & David Tewksbury * '''retrieved''' from [ UNC]... 1
12:41, 22 January 2015 LPF-FEC.pdf (file) 14.72 MB Woozle * '''what''': Unredacted version of request submitted by Level the Playing Field to the FEC * '''date''': 2014-09-10 * '''retrieved''': 2015-01-21 from [ FEC] 1
23:47, 24 January 2015 Tumblr inline mjkw9sQHdX1qz4rgp.jpg (file) 29 KB Woozle * '''what''': The Dude (played by Jeff Bridges) from ''The Big Lebowski'', with a caption reading "yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, man" * '''retrieved''' from [: 1
01:46, 26 January 2015 Couv.png (file) 156 KB Woozle * '''what''': cover of 2015-01-14 issue of ''Charlie Hebdo'' (the next issue after the 2014 bombing) ** depicts Muhammad holding a sign saying "Je suis Charlie", echoing a popular hashtag in support of ''Charlie Hebdo'' and its slain staff memb... 1
12:53, 13 February 2015 Tir 12 03 02 bratland.pdf (file) 868 KB Woozle * '''what''': article by * '''title''': "Resource Exhaustibility: A Myth Refuted by Entrepreneurial Capital Maintenance" * '''retrieved''' from on 2015-02-13 1
13:01, 13 February 2015 Qjae9 2 2.pdf (file) 147 KB Woozle * '''what''': article by author::John Brätland * '''title''': title::Toward a Calculational Theory and Policy of Intergenerational Sustainability * '''retrieved''' from ([https://www.... 1
13:07, 13 February 2015 Bratland3.pdf (file) 136 KB Woozle * '''what''': article by author::John Brätland * '''title''': title::Economic Theory of Sustainability: Its Foundational Errors and an Inquiry Into Its Valid Principles * '''retrieved''' from 1
15:19, 23 February 2015 Reagan-against-socialized-medicine.jpg (file) 79 KB Woozle * '''what''': photo of Ronald Reagan accompanied by the words "Ronald Reagan speaks out against SOCIALIZED MEDICINE" -- possibly from a vinyl LP cover? * '''retrieved''' from [ 1
02:18, 24 February 2015 Egyptian women 1950s.jpg (file) 304 KB Woozle * '''what''': montage showing photos of women in Egypt in 1950 and 2014, with a highly evident contrast in clothing * '''retrieved''' from [ Google+] on 2015-02-23 * '''note''': oth... 1
14:37, 25 February 2015 11007750 1087003204659081 649794128977667571 n.jpg (file) 49 KB Woozle * '''what''': illustration of gerrymandering using a diagram with square blocks (rather than more realistic representation) * '''retrieved''' from [ 1
21:08, 5 March 2015 4 5 degrees.png (file) 95 KB Woozle * '''What''': XKCD comic #1379 illustrating general effects of various degrees of climate change * '''Title''': "4.5 Degrees" * '''Retrieved''' from [ XKCD] on 2015-03-05 (via [ 1
18:19, 3 April 2015 Angert2004(Pinatubo)GRL.pdf (file) 113 KB Woozle * '''Title''': CO<sub>2</sub> seasonality indicates origins of post-Pinatubo sink * '''Received''' via email, 2015-03-14; from ''Geophysical Research Letters'' VOL. 31, L11103, doi:10.1029/2004GL019760, 2004 1
01:11, 4 April 2015 (file) 1.05 MB Woozle * '''What''': diagram showing ownership of many popular brands, as of 2012 * '''For''': corporate consolidation * '''Retrieved''' from [] on 2015-03-21 1
20:42, 3 June 2015 35122970 America is a continent.cleaned.png (file) 152 KB Woozle * '''what''': maps showing the geographical meaning of the word "America" * '''retrieved''' from [] on 2015-06-03 and cleaned up somewhat using Gimp 1
17:38, 26 June 2015 Jefferson quote.CIbs8dlWsAAqu-7.jpg (file) 74 KB Woozle * '''what''': Thomas Jefferson quote engraved in marble on the southeast quadrant of the Jefferson Memorial, Washington, DC * '''text''': "I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and Constitutions. But laws and institutions must go hand i... 1
00:41, 28 June 2015 Confederate Rebel Flag.svg (file) 878 bytes Woozle * '''what''': the Confederate flag * '''retrieved''' from {{wikipedia|File:Confederate Rebel Flag.svg}} on 2015-06-27 1
13:50, 11 September 2015 CPRC-homicide-rates-original.jpeg (file) 652 KB Woozle category:charts category:crime * '''what''': chart showing homicide rates for countries around the world * '''retrieved''' [] on 2015-... 1
13:53, 11 September 2015 CPRC-homicide-rates-more-legible.png (file) 1.05 MB Woozle * '''what''': somewhat more legible (at full size) version of File:CPRC-homicide-rates-original.jpeg * '''created''' by Woozle, from above source, on 2015-09-11 1
20:42, 16 December 2015 Clean-energy-climate-experts-letter-us-presidential-candidates-12-07-15.pdf (file) 155 KB Woozle * '''what''': Clean Energy and Climate Experts Letter to U.S. Presidential Candidates * '''when''': dated 2015-12-07, retrieved from [ 1
12:39, 13 June 2016 Blair White Christian persecution.jpg (file) 42 KB Woozle * '''Text''': "We live in a world where Christianity is demonized over cake and Islam is defended despite 50 dead at a gay club. Amazing." * '''Retrieved''' from [ Google+] on {{lc/date|201... 1
20:39, 16 August 2016 Politicalcorrectness915.png (file) 140 KB Woozle * '''what''' cartoon about "political correctness" * '''author''': Jen Sorenson, ©2016 (used here under Fair Use) * '''retrieved''' from [ Daily Kos] on... 1
00:58, 25 November 2016 Trump-do-not-use.crop.jpg (file) 179 KB Woozle * '''what''': picture of Donald Trump which he [ reportedly] does not like * '''retrieved''' from [ Boing Boing]... 1
20:42, 24 December 2016 2016-30885.pdf (file) 404 KB Woozle <hide> format::PDF category:PDFs </hide> * '''title''': DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY 8 CFR Parts 214 and 264: Removal of Regulations Relating to Special Registration Process for Certain Nonimmigrants * '''header notes''': This document is sc... 1
22:00, 24 January 2017 IMG 4079.JPG (file) 659 KB Woozle * '''what''': Protest in US/NC/Raleigh * '''when''': {{lc/date|2017-01-21}} * '''source''': person known to me who wishes to remain anonymous 1
22:52, 27 January 2017 Smartphone-screenshot-001.jpg (file) 183 KB Woozle * '''retrieved''' from [ Google+] on {{lc/date|2017-01-27}} The image depicts text which was probably posted (to Facebook?) on 2017-01-26. 1
10:43, 31 January 2017 3TIOa niKM6 8 xYykc Z5O4FgYyGriHfPF8rOXOQQDWOkdLnjtspuFdLkrr3ZqglJPlVrny77uu13k=w1920-h1080-no.jpg (file) 102 KB Woozle * '''what''': protest sign saying "first they came for the Muslims and we said not today motherfucker!" * '''retrieved''' from [ Google+] (post: [https://plus.g... 1
11:53, 2 February 2017 16265164 1332440890164647 376884936639966027 n.jpg (file) 146 KB Woozle * '''what''': mural depicting Donald Trump being punched by Wonder Woman * '''retrieved''' from [ Facebook] post da... 1
01:49, 11 February 2017 -rJeIHctIkcFU-qwDuRLNAXjWQia-mkgEwjF30M38LD4maSG 53Luj18vOSOe7JtncpeeVief7yUNcv5sZjzae9BA0YA6f8EQA=w1920-h1080-no.jpg (file) 84 KB Woozle * '''what''': meme-image entitled "15 signs that your country is moving towards fascism" * '''retrieved''' from [ Google+] on 2017-02-10 1
19:17, 19 February 2017 2017-02-17 Trump defines media as enemy.png (file) 53 KB Woozle category:screenshots * '''What''': Screenshot of Tweet in which Donald Trump defines media as "the enemy" * '''Captured''' from [ Twitter] on 2017-02-19 1
21:23, 22 June 2017 DCw9vA3U0AAOZOF.jpg (file) 198 KB Woozle * '''what''': poster for a right-wing rally in Charlottesville, VA to be held on {{c/date|2017-08-12}} * '''source''': [ here] via [ this toot] 1
22:00, 7 August 2017 NRB-History-5-17-2011.pdf (file) 724 KB Woozle category:PDFs * '''Title''': "A History of the National Review Board" * '''Retrieved''' from a [ search] of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops web site on 2017-08-07 * '''Used by'... 1
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