Gender inequity
Gender inequity relates to the issue of individuals being treated differently or unfairly due to gender. It should not be confused with gender disparity, which relates to the ways in which gender correlates with different performance on certain types of tasks.
- gender disparity
- violence against women
- erasure of women
- misogyny
- Tim Hunt/UCL resignation
- James Damore/Google's Ideological Echo Chamber
Part of the problem is the continued teaching of uninformed attitudes on gender in mainstream academia.
Manhood in the Making: Cultural Concepts of Masculinity by David D. Gilmore (ISBN 0300046464, 1990) makes a number of claims which were questionable even in 1990:
- the male gender role is important in having a productive society
- the male gender role must be instilled in young men by various forms of abuse, including ceremonies where parents whip their (male) children
- ability to endure pain without showing it is vital to the male role; showing pain means you have failed and are inadequate to the role
- anal rape is a sexual act, because rapists only rape people they are attracted to (untrue)
It also cites, as counterexamples, the Semai [W] of Malaysia and the "gentle, androgynous Polynesian Tahitians", "in whom the notion of masculinity as a test is virtually absent" -- inexplicably coming to the conclusion that these societies are somehow a result we want to avoid, even though (in the case of the Semai at least):
- are known especially for their nonviolence
- successfully run a society based on a gift economy [W]
- have no police, no courts, and little formal government and no formal leaders
- make moral decisions primarily on the basis of "public opinion" (possibly similar to consensus), rather than superstition or rigid systems of rules or morals
- disputes are resolved by thorough discussion of the causes, motivations and resolution of the dispute by disputants and the whole community, often lasting many days, with final arbitration being made by the "headman" (in whose house the meeting takes place) -- who essentially decides which party (either or both) needs to stop doing what they were doing
- children are never punished or forced against their will, although fear of danger (real or created) will be used as motivation when necessary
- children are taught to fear their own aggressive impulses
- children are taught, from a very young age, to 'give way' to others so as to preserve the peace and harmony of the village
- children play non-competitive, non-injurious games
In other words, the Semai sound very much like the sort of society most of us would like to have, but the book advances them as an example to be avoided, even at the cost of deliberately training young men to be violent.
As of 2011, this book is still being taught in at least one course at Boston University as if it reflected current scientific thought on the subject of masculinity and gender in general.
- Wikipedia (on 2018-08-04, redirects to "Gender equality"; was no equivalent page on 2014-03-22)
Filed Links
- 2014/07/18 [L..T] [[2014/07/18/This Woman Has Been Confronting Her Catcallers|]] "It was then she had the idea for Cards Against Street Harassment: pocket-size cards women could download, print, and hand out to their catcallers, explaining why the attention was unwanted without even speaking."
- 2014/06/10 [L..T] Cult of Compliance: Attacking the Breasts of Female Protestors "One of my questions about what I term the cult of compliance is the extent to which it is a product of our historical moment or an indelible aspect of the relationship between the state and its subjects. I'm an optimist, I want to believe that we can improve, that we can make things better. I'm also an historian, though, so it's hard to ignore this kind of evidence as coming out of a fundamental place in the structures of our society in its reactions to protesters in general and women specifically."
- 2014/06/05 [L..T] The Deeply Disturbing Truth About Street Harassment in America "For the past few years, grassroots efforts to end street harassment in the US have been gaining support and amplifying their message."
- 2014/05/21 [L..T] Enforcing School Dress Codes Teaches Girls to be Ashamed, Not 'Modest'
- 2014/05/18 [L..T] 'Trojan horse' teacher breaks into girl's phone
- 2014/05/15 [L..T] Women in secularism: Got a problem with that? "Many of her harassers, she believes, are men in the secular community. They feel threatened by the inclusion of issues that go beyond the central pillars of the secular movement, such as protections of freedom and conscience and church-state separation They want to silence activists, like Hensley and others, who want secularism to address broader issues of social justice, economic equality and racism."
- 2014/05/11 [L..T] Women in the workplace package becomes law "The Women's Economic Security Act, comprised of nine separate pieces of legislation, won legislative approval last week with bipartisan support. It forces about 1,000 state contractors to certify that they pay men and women equally for similar jobs, extends parental leave from six to 12 weeks and requires employers to make new accommodations for expectant and new mothers."
- 2014/05/07 [L..T] U.S. Women Saved $483 Million On Their Birth Control Pills Last Year «Compared to the data from 2012, about 24 million more birth control pill prescriptions were filled without a co-pay in 2013. That means each of the women filling those prescriptions ended up saving an average of $269."»
- 2014/04/27 [L..T] They are agreeing to being spiritually married to their father In certain fundamentalist Christian sects, fathers are encouraged to "spiritually marry" their daughters in order to keep them "pure". In the context of this "purity culture", it is entirely acceptable for fathers to have sexual thoughts about their daughters as long as they don't actually have intercourse.
- 2014/04/26 [L..T] Harsh Reality Break: 234 Girls Kidnapped from Physics Test "234 young women were abducted from a physics test in Nigeria, specifically to keep them from getting an education. Nothing is being done to find them. Collective public outrage is the only tool that can possibly get a search started."
- 2014/04/21 [L..T] McDonald's Gave Me the "Girl's Toy" With My Happy Meal. So I Went to the CEO. "In the most egregious instance, a McDonald's employee asked a girl, "Would you like the girl's toy?" The girl responded, "No, could I have the boy's toy?" When the girl opened the container a moment later, she learned that notwithstanding her explicit request, a McDonald's employee had given her the girl's toy. This girl went back to the counter with the unopened toy and requested, "May I have a boy's toy, please?" The same McDonald's employee replied, "There are only girl's toys." We then sent an adult male into the store who immediately was given a boy's toy."
- 2014/04/16 [L..T] Obama's equal-pay myth is one thing. The GOP's chauvinism is a problem "Go ahead, turn the White House's 77-cents quote into the new 47% video. But don't preach until you know where wage-gap vigilantism gets us"
- 2014/04/16 [L..T] Women's Lack Of Confidence Doesn't Cause Inequality. Sexism Does. "The authors are correct to identify what contributes to the confidence gap, they simply overstate the remedial effect of closing it. I can have the swagger of Don Draper, but if I'm a middle class woman with kids and a salary lower than annual childcare costs, I'm going to leave the workforce and come back to men who have edged ahead and think I'm a bitch for speaking my mind."
- 2014/04/11 [L..T] On The Shoulders of Giants "A sepia print of an Indian woman, a Japanese woman and a woman from Syria, dated 1885. What do they have in common? Extraordinarily, each was the first licensed female medical doctor in their country of origin."
- 2014/04/08 [L..T] What is Sexism & How Does it Work in STEM? "This post covers the scientific and legal definitions of sexism, sexual harassment and sexual discrimination. We include an overview of the different ways in which sexism is described, such as hostile, benevolent, accidental or unintentional. These qualifiers of sexism can sometimes confuse people, as they invite people to see sexism as an individual or subjective idea. Sexism is neither – it is about how the collective interactions that happen at the everyday level are connected to institutional practices of harassment and discrimination. We provide examples of how sexist culture operates in at various levels of STEM, from undergraduate courses to gender inequality in pay, science publishing and recognition of women's achievements. STEM Women seeks to move beyond superficial arguments about what sexism is and isn't. The scientific evidence, some of which is included here, has established that inequality exists. We are looking for practical solutions to address inequality and lift the participation of women in STEM."
- 2014/04/07 [L..T] GOP's Woman-Haters Club Swells: Why Their Hatred Is Actually Getting Worse "From Christie to Limbaugh the right's view of women is steeped in the 18th century. It may finally catch up to them."
- 2014/04/01 [L..T] The Dollar-And-Cents Case Against Hollywood's Exclusion of Women "... we found that the data doesn't appear to support the persistent Hollywood belief that films featuring women do worse at the box office. Instead, we found evidence that films that feature meaningful interactions between women may in fact have a better return on investment, overall, than films that don't."
- 2014/04/01 [L..T] Guest Post: Gender Inequality in Chess
- 2014/03/31 [L..T] Snapshots of inequality "...we also know that capitalism goes through periods in which economic inequality is more extreme and less so. So what kind of moment are we looking at now? What is the shape and contour of inequality in the U.S. today, six years after the recession that cratered in 2008?"
- 2014/03/31 [L..T] How a Pepsi consultant burned a "$400k game jam" down "The amazing result, though, was not the easily-dramatised response footage he perhaps expected: instead, the developers collectively refused to participate further, forcing production to cease."
- 2014/03/27 [L..T] 'All men beat their wives, one day you will do the same' "In some communities in India boys as young as eight believe that violence against women is acceptable. Now workshops run by a local NGO are helping to end 'eve-teasing'."
- 2014/03/26 [L..T] How one college went from 10% female computer-science majors to 40% "With a three-step method, Harvey Mudd College in California quadrupled its female computer science majors."
- 2014/03/22 [L..T] Exposed: the exploitation of girls in UK gangs "Centre for Social Justice reveals plight of 'invisible' female gang members who face sex abuse and have to carry drugs"
- 2014/03/22 [L..T] Troupe of topless Femen protesters get dragged kicking and screaming out of Berlin's Islamic Week meeting after covering themselves in anti-Islam messages "The Berlin Islam Week event, held in one of the city's town halls, was stopped in its tracks by members of extreme protest group Femen, who charged into the hall with slogans attacking 'religious oppression' and Sharia law daubed on their bodies."
- 2014/03/19 [L..T] Expensing Misogyny "Today, yet another of the professional men I've hired to provide services for Triskele Media made the mistake of calling it Sean's corporation, and that's twice for this person. In all, the tally so far is two bankers, an insurance agent and an accountant in the last year alone."
- 2014/03/15 [L..T] Council of Islamic Ideology declares women's existence anti-Islamic SATIRE: "The Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) concluded their 192nd meeting on Thursday with the ruling that women are un-Islamic and that their mere existence contradicted Sharia and the will of Allah."
- 2014/03/14 [L..T] Unisex rooms made gender insignificant in the army
- 2013/06/13 [L..T] Rape of Iraqi Women by US Forces as Weapon of War: Photos and Data Emerge
- 2013/05/20 [L..T] 'We Have Always Fought': Challenging the 'Women, Cattle and Slaves' Narrative «And then there came a day when you started writing about your own llamas. Unsurprisingly, you didn't choose to write about the soft, downy, non-cannibalistic ones you actually met, because you knew no one would find those 'realistic.'»
- 2013/04/24 [L..T] Jill Abramson and the wholly sexist narrative of the woman in power "The New York Times newsroom is unhappy because its editor is not very nice. Allegedly. This startling revelation comes from a piece posted on Politico yesterday that instantly lost the internet but gained fans at the NYT."... further results