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  • 2024/06/15 [[ L]..T] [[2006-04-04 Former Head Of Star Wars Program Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect|]]
  • 2024/06/15 [[ L]..T] [[2006-07-20 John McCain, professional weasel|]]
  • 2024/06/15 [[ L]..T] [[2006-09-26 Obama's First Law Known As 'Google For Government'|]]
  • 2024/06/15 [[ L]..T] [[2006-10-04 Misogyny Rant|]]
  • 2006/11/05 [L..T] Time bobbles the God and science debate “Gah, what crap. Revelation is irrational and unreasonable. You can't do science, collect data, and then decide, "Well, God has revealed to me that the correct answer is 2 grams heavier". .. That's precisely what Collins wants to do, and he admits it: he wants to add in anti-scientific beliefs and pretend he is still talking about science.”
  • 2006/07/02 [L..T] Farm Program Pays $1.3 Billion to People Who Don't Farm "Nationwide, the federal government has paid at least $1.3 billion in subsidies for rice and other crops since 2000 to individuals who do no farming at all, according to an analysis of government records by The Washington Post."
  • 2007/03/06 [L..T] What is science? “Unfortunately, "science" is one of those hugely polymorphic terms that carries a tremendous amount of baggage, and any one definition is going to be inadequate. This is one of those subjects where a smart philosopher ... could go on at amazing length, and even then, everyone will argue with their summaries. I'll just charge in, though, and give a couple of shorter definitions off the top of my head.”
  • 2007/04/13 [L..T] Citing New Study Showing that Federally Funded Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Programs Don't Work, ACLU Calls on Congress to Stop Funding “Findings indicate that youth in the program group were no more likely than control group youth to have abstained from sex and, among those who reported having had sex, they had similar numbers of sexual partners and had initiated sex at the same mean age.”
  • 2007/04/20 [L..T] Why, what a vile little man “I speak of Dinesh D'Souza, who seems to have noticed that his creepy and dishonest tirade against atheists won him some attention, so now he has upped the ante, and gotten even creepier and more dishonest.”
  • 2024/06/15 [[ L]..T] [[2007-05-02 From Papal Indulgences to Carbon Credits Is Global Warming a Sin|]]
  • 2024/06/15 [[ L]..T] [[2007-06-29 Cheney readies himself for the final act of imperial vice-presidency|]]
  • 2007/06/30 [L..T] Science on Trial «Over the last three weeks, I listened to testimony in the first of nine test cases in the U.S. Vaccine Court (Cedillo v. Health and Human Services) considering the question of whether a mercury-based vaccine preservative called thimerosal (which used to be in many vaccines), or the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, or both together caused autism in Michelle Cedillo, the plaintiffs' daughter.»
  • 2024/06/15 [[ L]..T] [[2007-07-06 Shame on Bush and Us|]]
  • 2007/08/05 [L..T] Newsweek's Climate Editorial Screed Violates Basic Standards of JournalismNewsweek Magazine's cover story of August 13, 2007 entitled, "The Truth About Denial" contains very little that could actually be considered balanced, objective or fair by journalistic standards.”
  • 2024/06/15 [[ L]..T] [[2007-10-28 bizarre unsolicited e-mail from Petraeus spokesman|]]
  • 2007/11/21 [L..T] O'Reilly: "War" on Christmas part of "secular progressive agenda" that includes "legalization of narcotics, euthanasia, abortion at will, gay marriage" “...decrying the purported "war" on Christmas, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly claimed that "it's all part of the secular progressive agenda ... to get Christianity and spirituality and Judaism out of the public square."”
  • 2024/06/15 [[ L]..T] [[2007-11-24 The Ordeal of Catherine Wilkerson M.D.|]]
  • 2024/06/15 [[ L]..T] [[2007-12-03 Intel Chief Breaks New Non-Disclosure Policy With Dovish Iran Report|]]
  • 2024/06/15 [[ L]..T] [[2007-12-19 Bush Lawyers Discussed Fate of Tapes|]]
  • 2024/06/15 [[ L]..T] [[2007-12-23 Crisis may make 1929 look a walk in the park|]]
  • 2024/06/15 [[ L]..T] [[2007-12-24 Mike Huckabee with Bill Gothard Last Week in Houston|]]
  • 2007/12/26 [L..T] [[2007-12-26 Bush's very good year|]] “Against all odds, and despite the usual drumbeat of criticism, President Bush had a very good year. .. The troop surge in Iraq is succeeding. America remains safe from terrorist attacks. And the Goldilocks economy is outperforming all expectations.”
  • 2024/06/15 [[ L]..T] [[2007-12-31 Inside the Ron Paul Blimp|]]
  • 2007/02/01 [L..T] Wal-Mart pays itself rent, gets large tax breaks Wal-Mart, the nation's largest employer and the world's biggest retailer, is regularly paying itself rent and using the transaction to decrease the taxes it pays to state governments, according to a report in this morning's Wall Street Journal.
  • 2007/04/16 [L..T] New Research Shows Wal-Mart Rigs the System to Skip Out on $2.3 Billion in State Taxes Wal-Mart appears to be skipping out on its fair share of taxes that most Americans have to pay to help support state governments. New research conducted in part by a leading non-partisan, non-profit tax organization reveals that Wal-Mart avoided $2.3 billion in state income taxes, cutting its payment to state governments almost in half between 1999 and 2005.
  • 2007/04/01 [L..T] Impacts of Four Title V, Section 510 Abstinence Education Programs “Based on follow-up data collected from youth four to six years after study enrollment, the report presents the estimated program impacts on youth behavior, including sexual abstinence, risks of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and other related outcomes.”
  • 2024/06/15 [[ L]..T] [[2008-01-04 Microsoft sued over Xbox Live outage|]]
  • 2008/01/08 [L..T] Appealing Apostate: Prodigal Son Frank Schaeffer Roasts Religious Right “Consider Frank Schaeffer. The name may not be familiar to you, but Schaeffer’s father, theologian and Presbyterian pastor Francis Schaeffer, was pivotal in the creation of the Religious Right. .. Frank Schaeffer shared his father’s opinions and, as an adult, worked alongside him. He had an insider’s view of the rise of the Religious Right. Father and son were there at the movement’s birth and worked with some of its biggest names. .. What does Frank Schaeffer think about the Religious Right these days? Let’s just say he’s not a fan. He refers to Robertson as “a lunatic” and says Dobson is “a power-crazed political manipulator cynically abusing his followers.” He calls the late Jerry Falwell an “unreconstructed bigot.””
  • 2008/01/10 [L..T] Will the Iranian "Provocation" Ruse Be Allowed to Succeed? “The navy showed a tape of what they claimed were Iranian speedboats "harassing" a U.S. warship, along with audio of foreign-sounding bad guys making very threatening statements. .. However, after a blogger pointed out that the accents of the supposed speed boat passengers could not have been Iranian, the government changed its story...”
  • 2008/01/21 [L..T] Saudi Arabia to lift driving ban on womenSaudi Arabia is to lift the ban on women drivers in an attempt to stem a rising suffragette-style movement in the kingdom. ... The move is designed to forestall protests for greater freedom by women, which have recently included campaigners driving cars through the kingdom in defiance of a threat of detention and loss of livelihoods.”
  • 2024/06/15 [[ L]..T] [[2008-01-21 Stocks Plunge Worldwide on Fears of a U.S. Recession|]]
  • 2024/06/15 [[ L]..T] [[2008-01-21 Why Kids On The Internet Are Scientology's Most Powerful Enemy|]]
  • 2024/06/15 [[ L]..T] [[2008-01-23 AP Reports 'Bush Lied' Study Funded by Ultra-leftist George Soros|]]
  • 2008/02/12 [L..T] Senate Passes Bill to Expand Government's Spying PowersSenator Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut, who spoke on the Senate floor for more than 20 hours in an unsuccessful effort to stall the wiretapping bill, said the vote would be remembered by future generations as a test of whether the country heeds "the rule of law or the rule of men."”
  • 2024/06/15 [[ L]..T] [[2008-02-20 Venice sea levels plunge to 14-year low|]]
  • 2008/02/22 [L..T] Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us “A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020.”
  • 2008/02/28 [L..T] Announced project proof of 'gay agenda,' says DC activistMatt Barber, policy director for cultural issues at Washington, DC-based Concerned Women for America, says the project puts to rest the notion that there is no "gay agenda." He says the homosexual lobby is committed to infiltrating the executive branch with people who define their identity based on changeable, sexually deviant behavior.” As Box Turtle Bulletin points out, his singling out of the "gay agenda" for attention while neglecting any mention of the anti-gay agenda of groups such as Focus on the Family shows that they too have an agenda.
  • 2008/03/07 [L..T] Freedom Means Responsibility “Under the guise of protecting us from ourselves, the right and the left are becoming ever more aggressive in regulating behavior. Much paternalist scrutiny has recently centered on personal economics, including calls to regulate subprime mortgages.” McGovern's point about pay-day lending seems related to the point others have made about outsourcing: the terms (be that interest or wages) may seem completely abusive by our standards, but may seem a godsend (or at least far better than the alternatives) to those who choose them.
  • 2024/06/15 [[ L]..T] [[2008-03-11 A Pentagon problem - loose lips|]]
  • 2024/06/15 [[ L]..T] [[2008-03-21 How Did I Get Iraq Wrong|]]
  • 2008/04/28 [L..T] A Blood Libel on Our Civilization “What on earth has happened to Ben Stein? ... Though I've never met him, I know people who know him, and they all speak well of him. ... So what's going on here with this stupid Expelled movie? ... It's pretty plain that the thing is creationist porn, propaganda for ignorance and obscurantism. How could a guy like this do a thing like that?”
  • 2008/05/11 [L..T] Three Names Shock Me... A substantial list of economists sign a statement supporting McCain's economic policy, but it is revealed that they are nowhere near the majority in their profession.
  • 2008/05/16 [L..T] Senate Votes to Reverse FCC Decision Allowing Media Consolidation “Thursday night, the Senate cast a near-unanimous vote to reverse the Federal Communication Commission's December 2007 decision to let media companies own both a major TV or radio station and a major daily newspaper in the same city.”
  • 2008/06/03 [L..T] Pictures at church troubling “There is no question, though, that the color pictures of mangled fetuses will stop you from ordering cherry cobbler for dessert. ... Fozard called abortion "the most evil atrocity in the nation" and said the display is intended to combat "white folks sending money to Planned Parenthood to pay for black abortions." .. Say what?”
  • 2008/06/03 [L..T] Women and Science, again “There have been numerous posts about a recent report on the lack of women in science and technology careers, pointing to the sexism and macho culture as the main reason women leave these careers. Needless to say the comments on some of those posts have been frustrating.”
  • 2008/06/10 [L..T] Countdown: The Impeachment Of George W. Bush «Ohio Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich spent some 290 minutes on the House floor Monday, reading Articles of Impeachment against President George Bush. Not that you would notice, as there was a virtual media blackout on the story, but Keith Olbermann ran with it right out of the gate...»
  • 2008/06/22 [L..T] Lara Logan, I Tip My Smack-o-Matic 3000 to You “You know, I was asked once, 'Do you feel responsible for the American public having a ... a negative view of the war in Iraq?' And I looked at the reporter and I said, 'Tell me the last time you saw the body of a dead American soldier. ... Who in America knows what that looks like? Because I know what that looks like, and I feel responsible for the fact that no one else does.'”
  • 2008/06/25 [L..T] Money for Nothing “The Bear Stearns people dismissed my questions with ill-concealed contempt. Their computer models told them that home prices wouldn't fall much and that few people would default on their loans, barring another Depression. .. About the same time, Richard Bitner, the co-owner of a small subprime mortgage bank in Dallas, was coming to a different conclusion. Mr. Bitner wasn't relying on mathematical formulas. He was dealing with actual subprime borrowers...” The article is a review of Bitner's book Confessions of a Subprime Lender.
  • 2008/07/02 [L..T] Women Say Economy Was Factor In Getting Abortions “There were 13,843 abortions performed in Minnesota in 2007. Of the women who listed a reason for their abortions, 40 percent cited economic concerns – the largest share since the state started collecting detailed abortion information a decade ago.”
  • 2008/07/03 [L..T] Nut launches death threats at Debian women ”Women working on Debian have been getting death threats from a nut job who believes they're killing free software.”